정보/영어 / / 2020. 12. 3. 10:23

영어문법 For / During / While (~동안) 차이

For / During / While 구분하기










for + 숫자 기간

during + 특정 시점

while + 문장

* 전치사 + 명사, 명사구

* 접속사 + 절


For 예시
보통 for 다음에는 구체적인 숫자 시간명사가 온다. 

for three hours, for three days, for 3 weeks, for three years

I have been waiting for an hour.
Sarah is going to Spain for ten days.
Henry lived in France for five years.
During 예시
during 다음에는 숫자가 아닌  특정 시간명사가 온다. 

during the winter, during the vacation, during the meeting

We always like to travel during the summer.
The results of the test were given to us during the lesson.
The accident occurred during the night.


While 예시
while 다음에는 품사가 접속사이기 때문에 절(주어+동사)가 나온다.
단, 분사구문(-하다가)으로 쓰일 때는 while + ~ing 형태로 쓰기도 한다.

They held hands while they were watching the film.
The journalists took notes while the President was speaking.
We will pick some flowers while we’re walking along the lake.

I fell asleep while listening to music.


예문 참고 사이트: www.ecenglish.com/learnenglish/lessons/for-during-and-while


For, during and while | Learn English




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